My First Marathon

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Week #3 - Day 2

Returned to the indoors for today's four miler. It really surprises me how much I dislike running on the treadmill anymore. Actually getting outside has spoiled me. But it stormed yet again today, and was rather sticky so I didn't want to go out. Started off at a good pace but found that I had to slow up a bit. Finished in 36:05, so just over a nine minute mile. Been feeling some tightness in my lower left leg. Hoping that goes away soon. I first noticed it on Sunday and it has sprung up every day since then.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Week #3 - Day 1

Started the week a little later than I had planned. I intended to run yesterday, but around 4:30pm there was a torrential storm that dumped about 3 inches of rain in the course of an hour. So I scrapped plans to go to the park and headed for the rec center. I got there just in time to see them close up. Alarms were blaring and they said something about lightning hitting the building. Nice.

So today, I managed to get my run in despite starting over 2 hours late because of a long day at the office. It was hot, humid, and I wasn't in the mood. I struggled through my mere 3 mile run, clocking in at a less than impressive 26:53. I came pretty darn close to quitting, more so than any other time I have run over the past few weeks. I think I just had a bad attitude going into it, and that made it tough and not enjoyable. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Week #2 - Day 4 (a 10k race)

Today I took part in my first organized race, A Most Excellent Race in Cleveland Heights which benefits the Achievement Centers for Children. I participated in the 10k, and am glad to report that I actually managed to run the entire thing. Despite being in the morning (it started at 9am), it was sunny and hot, and there was not even a hint of a breeze. When I got back in my car after the race, it read 88 for the outdoor temperature. So running conditions were not too pleasant.

The course itself was pretty good. They had a number of streets blocked off, so it was pretty cool to run down the middle of these otherwise busy streets. I think there were about 3 much-needed water breaks along the way, and I managed to keep my pace and drink at the same time. I had been a little nervous about that part going into it. My only major complaint was the fact that it started on a fairly good incline (and finished on one too).

As for my time, I finished in 1:00:59. I had hoped to finish under an hour, but given the conditions I am content. I overheard a number of other people mention how bad their times were. So my pace was about 9:49. I felt pretty good most of the race, though I was getting pretty warm during the last 2 miles. Also, during the 5th mile I started to get a bit of a cramp in my lower left leg and had to ease up a bit. Fortunately though it did not force me to walk. I passed quite a few people during the second half of the race, which can be a bit of a morale booster. I started near the back at the beginning so I didn't have to get down on the fact that bunches of people were passing me.

So I experienced my first organized race today, which should make things with the marathon a lot more comfortable. Also, I eclipsed the one hour of straight running mark, which would have been a shock if someone had told me six months ago that I could do that. Planning to relax today and tomorrow and get started on week 3 on Tuesday. It is going to be another 3-4-3 week with a 7 miler on the weekend.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Week #2 - Day 3

Got my last run in today before Sunday's 10k. A 3-miler which I completed in 26:24 (about 8:48 pace, my best yet). I know that running outdoors has been much better for me than the treadmill as I have control over my pace instead of a machine. But with the temperatures looking to be stuck near 90 for the foreseeable future, it is going to be hard to keep outdoors.

Today also marked the first time I ran without my headphones. A lot of things I read say to not run with headphones, but I don't see any harm to it. It was definitely a different experience for me today. On the one hand I found myself paying closer attention to my form and my breathing, which is a good thing. But on the other hand, my mind was way more active. I guess the music usually dulls the voices in my head, but without it, I'm left with my thoughts, which can be a bad thing. So 2 days rest before the big 10k. Looking forward to it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Week #2 - Day 2

I ventured outdoors today since it looks like it will be the last day below 80 degrees for the near future, as summer is now upon us. I headed north on the towpath trail. I surprised myself by clocking in at 8:30 on my first mile. But I slowed and did the 2nd one in about 9:00. Can't remember my split on mile 3, but I think it was the worst of the bunch. I completed the 4 miles in 35:29. Almost a full 4 minutes off my time from last week on the 4 miler, and my first time averaging a sub-9 minute mile. So I'm very happy with that. I really wasn't expecting to see such immediate improvements. It's very encouraging.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Week #2 - Day 1

Yes, I am back for a second week of training. Stopped by the rec center after work and got back on the treadmill. Wasn't really feeling it today, but made it through nonetheless. I guess after enjoying the run outdoors on Saturday that going back inside was pretty boring. But the rec center is much more convenient for me. So anyways, I did my 3 miles in about 27:58, or a 9:19 mile pace. I started at 6.4 mph, increased to 7.0 at 2.75 mi mark, and 7.5 for the last .1 mi.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Week #1 - Day 4

Well, today was it. The first "Day 4 - long race". I'm happy to report that I passed this test, with flying colors. I returned to the outdoors for this run, and it was my first real successful outdoor run. I think the time spend on the treadmill has given me a better idea of my pace. Running outside before, I think I was going too fast because I had no idea of my pace and therefore was wearing out too quickly.
The conditions were absolutely perfect today. It was totally overcast, 63 degrees, not too cool and not too warm. I started off at the 82 bridge and went to the Red Lock, 2.5 miles in a time of 23:22. I then turned around and headed back, and finished my 5 mile run in 45:53. So the return 2.5 miles I finished in almost a minute less, but this was mostly due to the fact that I basically sprinted the last .25 mile. So my overall pace was about a 9:11 mile. An improvement that I'm very satisfied with, considering I started the week around a 10:00 mile.
The run itself was much easier than I expected. I think I can safely say it was actually better than the treadmill runs. A lot of it had to do with the weather, but I was so worried that heading back outdoors was going to be my ruin. So now I can safely go back to the treadmill for the shorter runs and know that I'm not kidding myself into thinking they're helpful. I felt a little lower back pain in the 3rd mile, but it did not last that long. I'm looking forward to my Sunday off, and then back to another 3-4-3 week, followed by the 10k (6.2 mi) I'm doing next Sunday morning.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Week #1 - Day 3

Despite really not being in any mood to run after work, I headed up to the rec center anyways. My feet have been pretty sore since my run last night, and couple that with a crappy day at work, and I just wasn't feeling it. But once I got there and got going, I had no real problems. I made it pretty far without looking at the timer. I went most of the way (2.75 mi) at a 6.2 mph pace, but kept kicking it up at the end, and finished my 3 miles in a time of 28:54. A fair improvement over last time. Starting to get hope that I actually will improve my time with more training. Next run is planned for Saturday for 5 miles.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Week #1 - Day 2

I managed to find a little bit of spare time today to squeeze in my 2nd overall run. I'm usually not very busy, but there has been a lot going on lately and I can see it's not going to be easy to get my 4 weekly runs in. Especially since it's not very flexible given the recommended rest schedule between runs. It's not like I got bang them out M - Th and be done for the weekend.

Anyways, I went to the rec center right after work (a first for me, which actually worked out well) and hopped on one of the big treadmills, got the tunes turned up and got going. Through most of my workout, I didn't think that I was going to make it through, but I took it one mile at a time, and by the time I got past the third mile, I knew I was gonna go for it. And I did. Four miles in 39:24. Not too bad. I'm looking to get my third run in tomorrow after work, and then likely try to venture outdoors on Saturday for the long run.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Week #1 - Day 1

Today marked my first official training run of my 16-week training program leading up to the Akron Marathon. I am following the program laid out in the book The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer. It's a straightforward 16 week program, with 4 runs per week, with a short run, slightly longer run, short run, and long run.

Today was a 3 mile day, and I achieved it at the rec center on the treadmill, completing it in 29:20. I kept at a 6.1 mph pace for the first 2.8, and then cranked it up over 7 for the last two-tenths. I was pretty worn out at the end since it seemed hotter inside than it was outside. But it's nice to have the first one under my belt. Only 62 more runs before the Marathon!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

twice in a week?!

I think this might be the first time I've posted twice in a week, which means I actually ran more than once this week! Being incredibly hot yet again, I returned to the rec center and took on the treadmill yet again. Although it was hard to keep going at times, I made it through 3 miles in 30 minutes, and then did another 1/2 mile in 6 minutes. I then walked for a little over a tenth of a mile, before ramping back up to 6.5 to 7 mph and busting through the 4 mile mark. Overall, 4 miles in 41:30. Not too bad. The back pain didn't really bother me too much, and didn't even appear until the 3rd mile. Afterwards, I made a rare visit to the weight room and did a few sets on the back recliner machine in hopes of giving that lower back a little more tolerance. Now I rest for the rest of the day and tomorrow before starting into my real schedule on Monday. Exciting...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

first race

In an effort to keep myself going forward with everything, I plan to register tomorrow for my first running event. It is the Achievement Centers for Children's "A Most Excellent Race" in Cleveland Heights, OH. It is 2 weeks from this Saturday, and I plan to run the 10k (approx 6.21 miles). It actually works out very well with my training program, as I am supposed to run 6 miles that day. So I figured why not enter this race. It's a good cause and will be my first exposure to an organized running event, so hopefully I'll be more prepared for the marathon in October.

an indoor improvement

I took my workout indoors this evening as it was still near 90 degrees, even at 8pm. Fortunately, I was able to secure one of the larger treadmills at the community rec center and was able to get through my 3 miles without stopping, in a little under 30 minutes. Also, once I reached the 30 minute mark, I decreased my pace from 6 mph to 5 mph and continued on for another 1/3 of a mile. So I'm back on track to officially begin my training schedule next week. Hopefully my breakthrough on the treadmill can be carried over into running outdoors.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

too hot to run

A few minutes into my run today, I found that it was indeed too hot to run. However, I still did manage to get through 2 miles without stopping. But unlike walking the additional mile and then going back, I went back from that 2 mile point. I did a bit of running on the way back, but it was so hot I mostly wanted to linger in the shade of the occasional tree. When I got back to my car and started it up, the thermometer read 96 degrees. I just checked the Weather Channel site and it's showing 96 degrees too! I now have one week to go before I'm to start my official training regimen, and I'm not back up to the 30 minutes of running that it uses as a starting point. Hopefully I can motivate myself to get a few more runs in this week.